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The Apple Stand: How To Rekindle The Love For Your Business by Jennifer Dawn


Staff member
Mar 19, 2024
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The Apple Stand: How To Rekindle The Love For Your Business by Jennifer Dawn

If daily grind is dimming your entrepreneurial fire, this book reignites your passion so you can rediscover the magic. Heal limiting beliefs, shift perspective and balance tactical action with self-care to rekindle your purpose, financial flow and original enthusiasm. This inspiring guide lights a torch from lessons earned on the author’s journey of setbacks and triumphs. Step fully into the boldest expression of who you were born to be.

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Author Bio:​

Jennifer Dawn has a passion for coaching entrepreneurs, executives, and their teams to increase revenues, productivity, and profits without giving up their work-life balance.
She’s the creator of Best Planner Ever, author of The Joy Guide: Finding Your Joy In A World of Crap, founder of Jennifer Dawn Coaching and the Bright Pathways Digital Marketing Agency.
Jennifer is a Profit First certified coach and host of the Happy Productive podcast. She began her entrepreneurial career at age 8 selling apples off her grandfather’s tree because a lemonade stand was so “yesterday”.
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